I Ricchi e i Poveri (The Rich and the Poor)

This recipe makes an easy, flavorful, and health-conscious dinner.  The recipes I’ve seen usually only call for parsley and bay leaves to flavor the dish, but I modified the recipe to give it a little kick.

100_2725Drain 1 can of white canellini beans, and rinse about one pound of shrimp.  Roughly chop 1/2 cup red onion or shallots, and 5-6 cloves of garlic.  Pour about 1 cup of vermouth (white wine could be substituted) into a pan, and place 2-3 bay leaves, 1 tbsp dried parsley, 1/4 tsp crushed red pepper, onion and garlic in the pan and simmer over medium heat for a minute or two.

100_2728Then add the shrimp and beans and simmer until heated.  Season with Cavender’s Greek Seasoning and drizzle with a small amount of olive oil (optional) and fresh lemon juice just before serving.  Serve with a little fresh parmesan and a slice of Italian bread.


Dinner in less than 15 minutes!

About Kellie

For the love of food and cooking, and the adventures both inspire...
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