When I first moved to Auburn, I heard about Farmer Whiting. Just up the hill from BJ’s, Home Depot, Lowe’s, Walmart, Shaw’s, and the somewhat pathetic Auburn Mall, is a red farm stand that’s only open in the Fall. Just beyond that is a beautiful old white farmhouse and a narrow driveway with a sign listing the vegetables available in a small garage-like structure situated near the greenhouses. There is nothing fancy about this structure, but inside you will find a varying selection of the freshest vegetables available. On my most recent visit, I spent a whopping $4.12 and brought home a pint of beautiful sungolds, a pearl cucumber, a burpless cucumber, an eggplant, and a purple pepper.
While my own garden isn’t doing so well, it’s nice to know that there are fresh and interesting options available at a very fair price so close to home!