Homemade Yogurt-Part 2

I am pleased to say that the homemade yogurt was a success!  I was nervous about tasting it, and had braced myself for the worst possible flavor/texture and a dry heaving experience, or worse…  Fortunately no such experience was had!  The yogurt thickened nicely and has a similar consistency to Yoplait custard style yogurt.  It also has a very mild flavor–not nearly as tart as store bought plain yogurt.  After determining it “safe to eat” I used some of it to make a batch of Mango-Mint Lassi.  I didn’t have cardamom or star anise, so I just used the other ingredients the recipe called for.

This was very easy to make–one diced mango, about 15 fresh mint leaves, 1 tbsp. of lime juice, 3 tbsp. brown sugar, 3 ice cubes, and about a cup and a half of homemade plain yogurt into the blender.  The end product was very thick, and could either be enjoyed like a smoothie, or eaten with a spoon.

I wonder if this concoction would freeze nicely to make frozen yogurt or popsicles…

About Kellie

For the love of food and cooking, and the adventures both inspire...
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